Escape from Choibalsan: The Bob Figlock Story

I'm pretty sure that choibalsan is where the zombie apocalypse will start.  It's the factory town around an abandoned Russian uranium mine, for one thing.  It's also full of giant old decaying soviet concrete apartment buildings.  That's pretty much all there is, in fact.  I live in one of the nicer ones.  Expect me to start writing the screenplay for my zombie apocalypse movie, "Escape from Choibalsan: The Bob Figlock Story" pretty soon.  I can already tell you the beginning.


Two labcoated scientists, scorched and bedraggled, collapse into the snow, thrown forward by the force of a momentous explosion behind them.  They turn to look over their shoulders at the immolating remnants of what appears to be a scientific facility.

Scientist one: Thank god the last of the virus has been destroyed. To think that we had created Hell on Earth.

Scientist two pulls a vial from within his coat, and holds it aloft to gaze at it by firelight. His face is tinged with marvel and with fear.

Scientist two: No, comrade, not the last

Scientist one, shocked: Why, Vladmir, why would you save any of that cursed virus?

Scientist two: The orders came straight from Comrade Kruschev.  We are to bury a single sample, to be released in case Mother Russia should fall.

Scientist one: But where, Vladmir, where can the devil be buried so deeply that he will not rise again against our will, may God forbid it?

Scientist two: In an Uranium mine, comrade, just across the southern border from here.  The Mongolians will never know what lies buried beneath them.  They will never know what lurks beneath.... CHOIBALSAN.

(Title screen: Escape from CHOIBALSAN: The Bob Figlock story) is superimposed over the burning building.

The set is in a Mongolian ger.  A stove burns weakly in the corner, and wind blows the tent flaps.  An old, bunny-eared, black-and-white television is flickering.

Reporter, British accent: The UN and CDC jointly announced the discovery of a new strain of influenza, dubbed "The Choibalsan Virus" today, preliminary results show it to be remarkably virulent.... CCCHHHHKKKK

Static blasts onto the tv

The same set (in the ger.) The stove has burnt out, and dust covers the furniture.  It appears that some time has passed.  A bloody handprint is on the television's knob. The wind is blowing more fiercely than before.

Reporter, British accent: The United Nations General Assembly unanimously passed the Choibalsan Virus Containment Act today, shutting down all international borders for an indefinite amount of time....  CHHHKKK

And then something that starts to introduce the characters and whatnot.  I thought of this entire thing while in the bathroom the other morning.  It's just preliminary so far, but tell me what you think.  Perhaps you could make an awesome movie poster?  Ok, have to go.

Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 4:43 AM

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