Letters from Bob, Vol. 1 (excerpts)

[[editor's note]] To enhance the quality of the Mongologue, I'm going to start posting few snippets from e-mail exchanges in between regular posts. Hopefully this will help keep a more constant flow of content, and give you a better idea of the crazy little stories we all miss sharing with Bob on a daily basis.
"In lifestyle, it's nothing like what you'd imagine here.  I've seen many gers with giant flat screen tvs, and I have yet to be in even a very nice house with indoor plumbing of any sort.  In fact, I'd say the gers are generally nicer.  I'm in a tiny cottage, which is warm but god I'd slap a puppy for a toilet.  Holes in the ground are terrible.  Also, the food here does not make for pleasant bathroom visits...  The language is extraordinarily difficult.  The people are great... and the dogs are the scariest beasts you'd ever imagine.  Hardly even dogs.  missing huge patches of fur, dead on teh side of the road, chasing me around, mainly st6uff like that. Fun." -Bob
Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 3:26 AM
"Funny how TV comes before toilets, though sounds about right for that part of the world. You should build yourself a royal throne with wood and cover it with felt... sounds like you're guna be building those squatting muscles back up. After Spain, the girls had calves of steel... When you get home, I imagine you looking somewhat like your description of Mongolian dogs, patchy and delusional." -Madelin
Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 7:27 AM
"Patchy and delusional is already where I am, I think tattered and somnambulatory is where I'll be when I'm back." -Bob
Sat, Jun 27, 2009 at 3:30 AM

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